The Durham Report Indicts the Deep State—And the Media

Our ruling class will use any means necessary—no matter how lawless, vicious, or brazen—to preserve its power and privilege. And it will seemingly never pay a price for its corruption and criminality. That is the ultimate lesson conveyed in the more than three hundred pages of gory details about the republic-eroding scandal that is Russiagate, comprising Special Counsel John Durham's final report.
Russiagate's aim from the jump was to delegitimize, destabilize, and destroy Donald Trump's presidency. Hatched by the Hillary Clinton campaign, this would be her revenge for losing to Trump—an attempt to make his victory a Pyrrhic one. This would be the deep state's way to sabotage and subvert a commander in chief who threatened to upend its agenda, and that of the entire political establishment.
Continue reading at Newsweek.
Featured image, United States Attorney's Office, District of Connecticut, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.