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Trudeau's 'just transition' shows why Alberta Sovereignty Act is necessary

Ever since she first endorsed the Alberta sovereignty act half a year ago, Danielle Smith has struggled to answer the critical question of “why?” Why sink abundant quantities of time and political capital into an unwieldy piece of legislation that would do little beyond mollifying Alberta separatists (all three of them), putting civil servants in a no-win situation and spooking foreign investors — all for legislation that was unlikely to hold up in court to begin with.

The Alberta premier’s previous attempts to answer this question have had her, quite literally, grasping at straws — Smith said last month that the sovereignty act could potentially be used to stop the federal prohibition on single-use plastic straws and keep the hated (and soggy) paper alternatives out of Wild Rose Country.

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Featured image, Amarjeet Sohi, PDM-owner, via Wikimedia Commons.