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Will 2023 Be the Year “Climate” Becomes the New COVID?

Do we get another virus scare?

Perhaps, but fear not as I’ve the perfect strategy for you. If they lock you down and order you to wear masks, just carry on about your business but take a pile of Jehovah’s Witnesses booklets with you everywhere you go and when approached by some mask nazi, immediately launch into “have you been saved?”

If that doesn’t work, pretend they’re an old lost friend and while smiling broadly ostentatiously and loudly say, “Hey, so good to see you. How’ve you been?” Then proceed to give them a hug, a peck on the cheek, or — if you’re feeling particularly energetic about it all — a passionate smooch. It’ll have them running for cover and allow you to carry on your business because who wants to deal with a crazy person, right?

In all seriousness, I think we’re more likely for now to see the climate nazis go full crazy. They’ll shelve Covid for now and bring on some other virus later which will likely do real damage to the now billions with weakened immune systems.

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“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” H. L. MENCKEN

I think at this stage we all know that and can see it coming. The question is more HOW is it coming?

According to the central planners, here’s some of the things we can look forward to.

Limits on the amount of meat and dairy you’ll be allowed to consume.

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Don’t worry, it gets better. Clothing yourself and your family.

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No kidding! A full three new clothing items per person per year. What? You want a jacket for the cold? You selfish planet killer, you!

The WEF plans are extraordinarily transparent so it’s not very difficult to understand and see what’s coming. It gets foreshadowed by these elites and then gets implemented at the national level by the podium donuts pretending to be “working for the electorate”.

In New Zealand they’re implementing this isht already. In Canada as well. In Germany, too. In fact, all across Europe the lunacy is being implemented at speed.

Of course, over in Germany the propaganda outlets have for years now been prepping the masses for communism. This is accelerating. The December issue of Der Spiegel asks “was Marx right, after all?”

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Anyway, on housing…The WEF Wants Your House to Be Worth ZERO, to Achieve “Net Zero” Carbon, as a recent article mentioned.

Here’s essentially how they’ll get you to “own nothing and be happy:”

Create a set of “green” requirements you have to meet for your home to be “carbon neutral” or some hogwash. These requirements will be increasingly outrageous and mean many will be unable to afford the costs of retrofitting their home according to the climate nazis. As a result, these homes will become “stranded assets.”

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Don’t be at all surprised when Blackrock then put together some special purpose vehicle to acquire these stranded assets from the poor saps who’ve just been raided. MSM will be telling the now evicted sheep that they are to be thankful for the philanthropy of the likes of Vanguard and Blackrock to come and look after these assets. What I’ve realized — after watching the most outrageous actions over the last years — is that I think it’s entirely possible that many folks won’t even figure out that they’ve been plundered with the indoctrination being so thorough.

What to do about it? For goodness sake, if you’ve significant assets sitting in any country that is implementing these policies, then you need to think long and hard about things. I fully understand these are difficult decisions to make as for some it may mean their main asset of a home falls into this category. Realize that the elites don’t give an isht, and nobody is likely coming to your rescue.

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This piece originally appeared in Doug Casey's International Man.





Featured image by Tim Mossholder via Unsplash, under the Unsplash license.